STORY INITCORE //TEST GAME GAME_FILES corec.str map.str GAME INTRO CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 CH6 THEEND TEST? * Ch1 CH1 * Ch2 CH2 * Ch3 CH3 * Ch4 CH4 * Ch5 CH5 * Ch6 CH6 INTRO \n_The Tin Mug_ v1.0\nby Alice.E.Wells & Jkj Yuio.\nBuilt with [Strand](\n CH1 \n**Chapter One**\n GODRESSER CH1A CH1B CH1C CH1D CH1E CH1F CH1K CH1M CH1O CH2 \n\n**Chapter Two**\n GOSINK CH2A CH2J CH2N CH3 \n\n**Chapter Three**\n GODRAINING CH3A CH4 \n\n**Chapter Four**\n GODINING CH4A CH4H CH4I CH5 MORE \n\n**Chapter Five**\n GOSINK CH5A CH5I CH6 MORE \n\n**Chapter Six**\n GOPANTRY CH6A CH6H CH6K CH1A images/tinmug.webp It was the tin Mug's birthday. At first light it rattled its handle and danced a merry jig on the kitchen dresser. What fun it would have today, what larks! The old brown teapot told it to be quiet and the white milk jug said "shush." But the tin Mug took no notice and continued to rattle and shake, bumping against the plates and tea cups and setting up a lively din. The cook heard the commotion from her small bedroom above the kitchen and grumbled to herself. "Sounds like a mouse making a nuisance of itself among my clean cups and saucers. I'd best get up and investigate." She glanced at the clock. "Lor it's only five o'clock! I'll teach that mouse a thing or two if I catch it," and she heaved her great body over the edge of the bed. With much huffing and puffing she made her way down to the kitchen. CH1B? * Carry on Athough the tin Mug heard the cook coming, it couldn't stop dancing, the plates on the dresser were all awry and the cups were swinging precariously on their hooks; * Keep quiet The tin Mug heard the cook coming and stopped its dancing, but the plates on the dresser were all awry and the cups were swinging precariously on their hooks; CH1C so much so that just as the cook entered, one cup swung too high and crashed to the floor. "Mercy me!" cried the cook, raising her hands in horror. "What varmint has caused this? I'll have the tail off its hide before I'm through." And she searched frantically among the plates, jugs and ornaments on the dresser, hoping to find whoever who was responsible for the damage. But of course she did not find a mouse, not even a spider. Finally giving up, she collected the broken pieces from the floor and put them carefully aside to mend later. The tin Mug grinned impishly, and something about the glint of its enamelled surface caught the cook's eye. CH1D? * Hide * Stay motionless CH1E GOCUPBOARD To no avail! "What's that old chipped mug doing among my good china?" she grumbled, and with a swift movement relegated it to the cupboard where the pots and pans and cake tins were kept. The tin Mug did not mind being in the cupboard, it knew it could escape later for more fun and games. It was dark inside the cupboard and a whispering went on among the occupants. The tin Mug found itself sitting next to an old rice pudding dish, whose enamel was even more chipped than his own. CH1F? * Talk to the dish DISHTALK * Peek outside CH1J DISHTALK "Hello," said the Mug sociably, "made any good puddings lately?" The dish was glad to have someone to talk to. Most of the pans in the cupboard were made of aluminium and did not associate with him, and the cake tins kept to themselves. There was Colin, an ancient enamelled colander, at the back of the cupboard, but most of the time he was asleep. Being a sort of sieve he was so forgetful that any conversation tended to be a bit one-sided. "The last pudding I made I burnt," answered the dish dejectedly. "It was the cook's fault really because she put too much rice in and not enough milk. However, she blamed me all the same and has not used me since. I could do with a nice filling milk pudding inside me," it sighed, "it would set me up a treat." CH1H CH1H? * Comfort the dish "Never mind," comforted the tin Mug, for even though he was inclined to be naughty he liked to help a fellow when he could. CH1I * Tell the dish about my birthday CH1I CH1I "It's my birthday today, and you know what that means!" At this the pudding dish brightened for he knew well that things could be done on the Mug's birthday that could not be done on ordinary days. The tin Mug grinned and leant against the cupboard door which gently swung open and they both peeped out. CH1J The tin Mug leant against the cupboard door which gently swung open and peeped out. CH1K$ * The cook was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of tea. She was wondering what to cook for dinner because the lady of the house was having her daughter and two children over for the day and never had the cook known such a hungry lot as them. She had just decided on beef stew and dumplings when she espied the rice pudding dish through the cupboard door opening. \n"Of course, that's it," she said aloud, "rice pudding! That'll fill 'em up. And plenty of it." *?DISHTALK \n"I must remember to put more milk in it this time," she thought, admitting her guilt, "and some cream, and plenty of butter and nutmeg on the top to give it a nice crisp finish." *?!DISHTALK \n"I'll put plenty of milk in it", she thought, "and some cream, and plenty of butter and nutmeg on the top to give it a nice crisp finish." * The rice pudding dish glowed and smacked his rim with the thought of all the good things to come. *?DISHTALK The tin Mug nudged him knowingly. So that was settled. * The cook poured herself another cup of tea and sat back waiting. CH1L CH1L? * Wait CH1M The tin Mug waited. And sure enough within a minute or two a gentle tap sounded at the door. "Come in Ned," called the cook, and in came a wizened figure of a man, brown as a ripe acorn and wrinkled as a prune. "Get that mug in the cupboard over there and come and help yourself to tea." As the old man went to the cupboard to collect the mug, Martha, for that was the cook's name thought he looked peaky. She had known Ned a long time. He had been kind to her in the past and she tried to repay him now by giving him the odd meal now and then for he was very poor and all his family were dead or gone away. As he picked up the mug Ned knew there was something special about it. CH1N CH1N? * Listen CH1O "Special day today Martha," he wheezed. The sharp wind had chilled him that morning. "What's special about it?" asked Martha. Ned set the mug down on the kitchen table and began to pour his tea. "Why this mug that's what's special," said Ned. He drank with relish. The hot strong brew flowed through his veins warming his old bones. "That's only an old chipped mug I found on the dresser this morning. Nothing special about that," laughed Martha. "But I know one thing I'm going to do special and that is cook a good breakfast for you," and without further talk she busied herself frying bacon and sausages and eggs for the old man. The tin Mug steamed with pleasure and Ned sat back content. Twas special, whatever Martha said, thought Ned. He had lived close to nature and was aware of many things that others knew nothing about. How folk go about so blind beats me he mused. ///////// CH2A "Oh dear! Oh dear!" came little sobs from beneath a pile of cutlery draining by the kitchen sink, "and I have such a headache already!" CH2B CH2B? * Hello? CH2C CH2C images/dainty_spoon.webp "Hello," called the tin Mug, who was also draining by the sink. From his upside down position he could see quite well beneath the heap of knives and forks. "Oh hello," came from the pile. "Hold on a mo," said the Mug, and sliding himself forward on the soapy surface he pushed some of the heavy knives and forks to one side and revealed a dainty dessert spoon, very pretty but full of woe. CH2D CH2D? * Talk to the spoon CH2E CH2F * Ignore the spoon The spoon leans over and says. CH2F CH2E "Cheer up," said the Mug, "it's my special day you know." "Is it, is it really?" cried the small spoon, her eyes widening with hope. She knew what a special day meant. "I would be so grateful for a little help," said the spoon. CH2F "I am going to have my head banged and banged and used as a drumstick. Drumsticks like having their heads banged but my head was not made for such rough treatment. I was made for gently scooping up soft food, mostly delicious puddings and custard, creamy trifles and sometimes jelly that makes me giggle with its wobbling". And the little spoon's silvery surface shone just thinking of such delicacies. CH2G CH2G? * Who's going to use you as a drumstick? CH2H * Really? CH2H "It is Kevin, the little boy who is coming to dinner today. Cook always chooses me for him because I am small. He is only a little boy I know," sighed the spoon, "so I cannot expect good table manners, but he is so rough and sometimes he bites me hard with his strong front teeth, and if he is in a temper, which is often, he throws me across the room and I land badly on the hard stone floor. Some how I always miss the mat no matter how hard it tries to catch me," and the little spoon sighed again. CH2I CH2I? * We will have to do something about that! CH2J "Now if Katie used me," went on the spoon, "she would be gentle and hold me properly. She often picks me up and admires my decorated handle but she always lets her naughty little brother have me." CH2K CH2K? * Comfort the spoon HELPSPOON * I see CH2M HELPSPOON "Now don't you worry any more," commanded the Mug, "everything will be alright, you'll see." The spoon brightened at this. "My name is Sylvia," she said, "what's yours?" CH2M The spoon says, "my name is Sylvia, what's yours?" CH2N? * Marmaduke! CH2Q * I'm just called The Tin Mug CH2O CH2O$ * "Well you should have a name," said the spoon. *?HELPSPOON CH2P CH2P "I shall call you Marmaduke. It is a name fitting such a dashing gentleman." "Marmaduke," repeated the Mug, puffing himself out with such flattery. "Um Marmaduke! Yes I like it, I like it very much." And out of sheer devilment he pushed the rest of the knives and forks into the kitchen sink, where they fell with such a clatter they disturbed the cook who was preparing the rice pudding, causing her to be more than generous with the cream. The pie dish wallowed contentedly. CH2Q "Marmaduke," replied the Mug. Then out of sheer devilment he pushed the rest of the knives and forks into the kitchen sink, where they fell with such a clatter they disturbed the cook who was preparing the rice pudding. ///// CH3A The tin Mug sat on the draining board. All the other things had been cleared away except the Mug and a single eggcup which had been forgotten and left to one side. CH3B CH3B? * Look CH3C * Race the eggcup EGGRACE CH3B EGGRACE The Mug had a great time sliding down the ruts of the draining board. An exciting half hour was spent racing the eggcup. Neck and neck, backwards and forwards they had skidded over the soapy surface. The eggcup, being china, had risked life and limb several times, nearly toppling into the sink where he would surely have broken. Such dedication deserved to win and win he did. "You're a true sport," effused the Mug, tapping the eggcup respectfully on its rim, "I am pleased to have made your acquaintance." "And I yours," replied the eggcup, who though he did not know it was a relative of the trophies on the mantelpiece in the dining room. Sport was in his blood. CH3C images/little_girl.webp "I've got something for you Mrs Bryce," said Katie, her cheeks glowing with the colour the North wind had put there, and she held up a bunch of greenery in a small basket. "Why love, what is it?" said Martha, setting it down on the kitchen table. MORE "Iss parsey an mussard an cess," shouted Kevin, taking the surprise out of the gifts his sister had so carefully prepared. "My favourites!" gushed Martha, kissing Katie on both cheeks. "There's nothing like mustard and cress on brown bread and butter for tea, and the parsley will make a lovely sauce for the fish on Friday." "I grew them myself in Daddy's greenhouse," said Katie proudly. "It's green fingers you've got," laughed Martha knowingly. And true enough Katie did have a way with plants, for they all thrived under her care. "They not geen," cried Kevin, "they pink, like mine," and he held up his chubby hands, showing not pink fingers but brown muddy ones. "You'll not get any dinner until you've scrubbed those hands!" said Martha sternly, and she steered a protesting Kevin to the sink and put a bar of soap in his hands. Kevin not so much washed as played with the soap and water, blowing bubbles and making the soap all squdgy. It was not long before he noticed the tin Mug sitting on the draining board and put out a podgy hand for the Mug. CH3D CH3D? * slide to the side The Mug slid quickly aside. CH3E * slide to the back The Mug slid quickly toward the back. CH3E CH3E Kevin tried again, puting out his podgy hand. CH3F CH3F? * Dodge again The Mug slid away again. Each time Kevin reached for the Mug it slid just out of reach. Kevin got crosser and crosser and began to holler loudly. CH3G CH3G \n"What's all that noise for?" chided Martha, coming to see what the matter was. "Wan Mug," shouted Kevin furiously. "Mercy me! What a carrying on. If you stop all this noise and be a good boy you can have your drink in the Mug at dinner." Kevin eyed the Mug suspiciously, but for once did as he was told. /////////////////////// CH4A images/little_boy.webp "Don'd wan spoon," shouted Kevin, and threw the little dessertspoon across the room. But this time the mat caught the little spoon in its soft arms cushioning its fall. MORE "Thank you," whispered the spoon gratefully. "Don't mention it," purred Matt in his soft muffled voice, "I've been trying to do that for ages. My pleasure, I'm sure." "But it's your special spoon," said Martha putting out the dinner. "Don'd wan spoon," repeated Kevin. "Wan mug." "Anything for a quiet life," sighed Martha fetching the mug. "Can _I_ have the spoon?" asked Katie, picking up the dainty piece of cutlery, cleaning it and stroking its pretty decorative handle. "Of course you can," replied Martha as she carefully set the Mug before Kevin. The Tin Mug winked at the spoon. Kevin grabbed the Mug and tried to bang the table with it. CH4B CH4B? * Ask the table to help CH4C * Bear with it BANGTABLE CH4D BANGTABLE Kevin proceeded to bang the Tin Mug on the table a few times then threw the Mug across the room. CH4C The table held in its breath and the Mug fell short. Kevin tried again but still the Mug fell short. His face turning purple with anger, Kevin threw the Mug across the room. CH4D CH4D? * Bounce off the frying pan CH4E CH4E The big frying pan hanging above the cooker caught the Mug deftly and threw it back at Kevin, catching him a nasty slap across his cheek. Kevin howled. CH4F CH4F? * Settle on the table The Mug's trajectory took it back to the table, where it came to rest. * Catch the sound CATCHSOUND CATCHSOUND The Tin Mug caught the sound and threw it to the carpet who promptly muffled the cry and then hid it in the cupboard where it woke Colin the colander who quickly forgot it and so it was lost. CH4H$ \n\n"Close your mouth dear," said Martha to Kevin, "it doesn't look nice." She began to serve dinner. The Tin Mug was filled with blackcurrant juice and it held its brim with delight. Kevin stayed quiet all through the first course. Then came the rice pudding. The pie dish sat proudly in the centre, its creamy contents perfectly done and the topping crisp and golden. Suddenly Kevin bellowed, "Wan spoon! Wan spoon!" *?CATCHSOUND But again *?!CATCHSOUND But this time * the Tin Mug caught the sound and drowned it in the blackcurrant juice, where it gurgled and sparkled for an instant before popping into nothingness as the bubbles burst. So Katie was able to enjoy her rice pudding using the little dessertspoon, and how extra delicious it tasted! CH4I$ \n\n *?CATCHSOUND "My!" thought Martha, "Kevin is quiet today. How lovely it is to be sure. And Katie is enjoying her pudding. I must use that dish more often, it cooks a treat." *?!CATCHSOUND "Well!" thought Martha, "Kevin is not quite so noisy today. How nice it is to be sure. And Katie is enjoying her pudding. I must use that dish more often, it cooks a treat." * She looked at the Mug sitting innocently next to Kevin. *?!BANGTABLE "Can't think why that naughty boy hasn't banged or thrown that mug about. I'll give it to Kevin every time from now on." *?BANGTABLE "I'll give that old tin mug to Kevin every time from now on." * The Mug heard this even though Martha did not voice her thoughts aloud, because mugs and plates and knives and forks and all such things can tell what people are thinking. * \n\n"What games I will play with this naughty little boy," thought the Mug. "Life will be more fun now." And indeed it was! Every time Kevin came it was not the Mug's birthday of course, so things could not be quiet so magic, but the Mug was still able to slide and roll about and make a noise and fall about. In the end they both became good friends and Kevin grew up to be quite a good boy, not all the time but most of the time. ///////////////////////// CH5A Shortly after dinner the dirty plates and cutlery were stacked in the sink to be washed. They jostled and prodded and poked one another to get into more comfortable positions. Luckily Katie had washed the little spoon separately and put it away carefully so it was out of the hustle and bustle. But the Tin Mug was in the wash and found itself being pushed this way and that. "This happens every time," moaned Stu, the stew pot. "Why they don't have a proper cutlery drainer I don't know. My enamel gets proper scratched with all the sharp knives and pointy forks jumping about all aver the place. I saw the cook looking hard at me the other day, I hope I don't get relegated to the back of the cupboard and only used as a last resort. Life's not much fun then. I like a good stew inside me at least once a week." CH5B CH5B? * Talk to the crockery CH5C * Ignore them After a short while, Martha came in to do the washing up. CH5D CH5C "It's worse for us!" piped up a messy dinner plate. "We are all in danger of getting broken, and once that happens, well, you can imagine! They ought to have plate racks, it would be much safer." "And places for us!" shouted the pudding bowls and cups and saucers. And the commotion got louder and louder and the jostling rougher and rougher, so that by the time Martha came to wash up it had reached pandemonium pitch. CH5D CH5D \n\n"Oh lummy!" she wailed, "I hate it when everything is all mixed up like this." Impatiently she began to sort everything out, but because she was cross she was not careful and soon cut her finger on the potato knife, it being extra sharp that day. "Now look what I've done!" she grumbled, and staunched the bleeding with her handkerchief. "How am I going to wash up now?" Just then Ned peered round the kitchen door. MORE "I've brought you a present Martha," he said, his old face lit up with a grin. "A present?" asked Martha, her face brightening. "But it's not my birthday." "Well it's someone's birthday in this house I feel sure," said Ned and then he showed Martha what he had made. It was a wooden plate rack with a section beneath for cutlery and places for cups and bowls. "Oh Ned!" exclaimed Martha delighted. "It is just what I was wishing for, and you couldn't have brought it at a better time," and she showed him her cut finger and the higgledy-piggledy sink. "You sit down girl," said Ned kindly, I'll do the washing up." Martha hesitated, but her feet did ache so. She sat down gratefully. CH5E CH5E? * Tell the crockery to behave CH5F CH5F The excitement in the sink was tremendous. Everything could hardly wait to be washed and put in its proper place to drain. In no time at all the washing up was done, much to the surprise of Ned and Martha. "You done that quick Ned," said Martha. "I could do with your help more often." "I don't know about my help," said Ned quietly, holding up the Tin Mug. There was no place on the rack for it to go. CH5G CH5G? * Inspire Curiosity CH5H * Be patient CH5H "How long have you had this mug, Martha, and who did it belong to?" "That mug was here before I came and that was over thirty years ago. Who it belonged to I don't know, but there was a story went about that it belonged to a tinker who often called here because he was sweet on the cook. She married him in the end. The tinker left the mug saying that it would do more good here because he had all the luck he needed." Martha stopped for a minute. "Funny thing to say!" Old Ned shook his head. "I don't think that it was so funny. I should look after this mug if I was you Martha." Martha laughed. "It's only an old mug Ned, but strangely enough I've never been able to throw it out even though it's crossed my mind to do so. Somehow it belongs here." CH5I They were quiet for a few minutes, and Martha noticed how thin Ned had become. "Tell you what!" she said suddenly. "I'll ask the Mrs if she can find room for an odd job man, and I'll show her this plate rack. There's plenty needs doing round here." And so it came about that Ned should stay. Much to the relief of the whole house, including such occupants as the window sashes, the line post, the tap washers, the door hinges, and all the other things that squeak or leak or crack or come loose. Yes Ned had plenty to do. //////////////// CH6A Later that afternoon, the Tin Mug decided to visit some of his friends in the pantry. He bumped and rolled across the kitchen floor and squeezed inside the little room. CH6B CH6B? * Greet the marble slab CH6C * Greet the bread bin CH6D CH6C "Brrr," said the Mug shivering, "it's cold in here." "It's supposed to be!" snapped the marble slab. The marble slab was always snappy, it being his nature to be cold. CH6B CH6D The Tin Mug rolled over to the bread bin, jolting him with a friendly crash. "Careful!" warned the bread bin, who had been dozing lazily in a corner, "my enamel is chipped enough as it is." The Tin Mug grinned widely and bounced up and down. "I haven't forgotten," said the bread bin, his white enamel twinkling. And from nowhere it seemed, he produced a tiny enamel crest. The Tin Mug shone with excitement. "Put it on then," said the bread bin. CH6E CH6E? * Wear the crest CH6G * Ask Bready to help put it on CH6F CH6F "Help me put it on please Bready." He spoke affectionately, "I don't know where." The bread bin pushed itself back a little and eyed the Mug critically. "Turn round," he said. The Mug did a graceful pirouette. "Yes that's the place, on your back. Everyone can see it better there." "I can't!" retorted the Mug. "That doesn't matter," replied the bread bin. "You know it's there and that is enough." So the bread bin stuck the crest carefully on to the Mug's back, and magic as the day was, it bonded itself to the enamel and became part of the Mug forever, and proud of it he was too! CH6G The tin Mug asked the bread bin to stick the crest on his back, and magic as the day was, it bonded itself to the enamel and became part of the Mug forever, and proud of it he was too! CH6H images/tin_mug_crest.webp \n"Thank you, oh thank you," repeated the Mug with feeling. \n"There's more," said Bready, "look over there." CH6H1 CH6HI CH6H1? * Where? CH6HI images/parade.webp Then from a corner of the pantry, at first quietly but gradually rising in crescendo came a chorus of, "For he's a jolly good fellow," followed by "Happy birthday to you," and out of the shadows came a smiling troupe of kitchenware. MORE In front came the little spoon tinkling in soprano followed by a great host of friendly familiar faces singing in unison. The rice pudding dish added a melodious tenor and Stu Pot a deep bass. Colin the colander, bassoon like, puffed and wheezed, forgetting a note here and there but smiling broadly all the while. CH6J CH6J CH6J1 CH6J2 CH6J1 *?EGGRACE The eggcup somersaulted in every available space. CH6J2 Plates of every size and description added colour and song. An army of cutlery marching in step and jingling like bells and bugles brought up the rear bearing in triumph a huge cake glistening with numerous candles. CH6K \n\nThe bread bin beamed. The Tin Mug beamed. A cider barrel blew his top and filled several glasses with sweet fizzy cider. All had come to celebrate the Mug's special day. What a time they had! And when the last cake crumb had been eaten and the cider barrel emptied and the last song sung, a happy exhausted mellow crowd returned to their various posts, ready for the next day's work. The Mug before his extra magic ran out, refilled the cider barrel, and not forgetting the cup he had broken at the beginning of the day, magically put the pieces of china together. Incidentally the cup had had the time of her life, being here there and everywhere, in fact doing the impossible and being in several places at the same time. Martha always thought Ned had made a good job of that cup. And so a tired but happy tin mug returned to a corner of the kitchen dresser. And as the moon rose and shed her silvery beams through the windows, they rested a while on the Royal crest glittering on the back of an old tin mug. GODRESSER THEEND \n\n**The End**